As a global collective, we re-imagine folklore and history through experimental theatre, illuminating liminal spaces between perceptible and unseen worlds, and weaving diverse cultural narratives into a shared human tapestry.
Join our past, present, and growing list of FTC Sponsors & Patrons!

Spiral of Champions
Richard & Anne Rosenfeld
William Taylor
Steve Gemma
Steven Rosenberg
David A. Brooks
Matthew Service &
Nicole Andrade
Fellow Patrons
Janet Murdock
Jamy Madeja
Ariane Grossi
James Kawski
Friend Patrons
Jeanine Harris
Trish Roach
Laura Attix
Linda Saris
Donna & Joseph Tabbi
Andrew & Jennifer Tarr
Mary Keane
David & Bonnie Kaplan
Family Patrons
David & Enid Wise
Paul Murphy
Suki Ellsworth
Kathleen Cardona
Individual Patrons
Cynthia Dunn
Joanne Moceri-Taveira
Janet Lemnah
Stephen Cooper
Barbara Lasovick
Jacqueline Hickey

When History meets Literature, Magic happens and it is called “Folklore”
Here in our little port City, we were blessed with a Folklorist – the Washington Irving of Gloucester, MA, who dedicated his life for a decade to bringing our communities' rich oral history to the stage. This man is Henry-Cameron Allen, the visionary behind the Folklore Theatre.
â–ºThe Folklore Theatre Company re-awakened the excitement for the words of Judith Sargent Murray, one of the most influential women in the 1700s who authored plays, poems, and essays on Women’s Equality by bringing two of her three known plays to life on the Stage.
â–ºThey have taken the “lore of Dogtown” and the haunting lives of those past inhabitants and turned it into a modern-day classic of every community’s struggles with the opioid addiction that sweeps our nation.
â–ºThis amazing little theatre gave our children a place to learn and explore the issues of history, apply the lessons learned to their own lives, and write about them in self-exploration.
As costs soar and budgets dwindle, his “little gem” of a theatre now is in need of our help.
The Folklore Theatre Company is re-launching after a 7 year slumber, a Membership Drive to help sustain itself and continue its work with the global community at large.
Please be a partner with me, with us, and become a member today!
Historical preservation is not just in “walls and windows” it is also in the “stories of our lives”.
Thank you,
Jeanine M. Harris, M.Ed.