As a global collective, we re-imagine folklore and history through experimental theatre, illuminating liminal spaces between perceptible and unseen worlds, and weaving diverse cultural narratives into a shared human tapestry.
Theatre is more than just a lark... it is Life Skills building. The imagination is a muscle that needs to be worked. Creative play fosters inner strength, confidence, intelligence, cooperation, critical thinking and personal freedom. NSFTC company members of all ages learn to connect their intellect to their instinct, and the visceral to the technical. Protect playtime.
Henry∞Cameron Allen, 30+ year Veteran Arts Educator & Life Skills Mentor

Greasy Pole, The Musical! NSFTC youth are encouraged to participate in our popular main stage productions.

NSFTC youth learn the importance of costume design, and how it effects choreography and movement.

NSFTC youth explore where they live on foot, and are inspired to write an original play. Outdoors and active all summer long!

Design is part of our program!

Tale of the Oysta: A Seafaring Whoops Young Playwrights Workshop 2010

Every NSFTC show is inter-generational.

Murder on Rocky Neck, The Opera

NSFTC youth learn innovative ways to tell stories.

NSFTC youth grow up in the theatre, taking on more complex roles as they mature.

NSFTC youth go out and have Life Skills discussions at local cafes and tea houses with their mentors.

NSFTC youth learn about social justice and local issues through folkloric theatre.

NSFTC youth learn the importance of community involvement.