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Dogtown Days - October 1-2, 2016


Friends of Dogtown have organized a FREE two-day event on October 1-2, 2016.


The first day of the event a fair will take place at the Lanesville Community Center and will include a series of presentations, exhibits, and discussion groups, followed by a reception featuring Dogtown-era inspired food, drink, and performances. Activities for all ages. Families encouraged to attend! 


On the second day, join us for walking tours of natural and cultural features in different parts of Dogtown.


Get involved! Come to a Friends of Dogtown meeting to discuss issues related to Dogtown and plan future activities and events.


Find our group, Friends of Dogtown, on Facebook. And like us!


Email us at: for more information and to be part of the mailing list to receive notices of future meetings and events.


© 2016 by Friends of Dogtown

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