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A Vision For Dogtown


Friends of Dogtown is a private non-profit organization that has been formed to work together with the Dogtown Advisory Committee and other groups on several important recommendations of the Dogtown Steering Committee that have yet to be addressed. Three key long-term projects have been identified:


  • Restore a part of Dogtown to the early successional habitat  (heathland/moorland, native grassland) that prevailed during most of the historical period, through active ecological management techniques such as mowing, grazing and prescribed burning. This is the landscape captured in paintings by Hartley and Sloan. Through restoration animal and plant species that have disappeared may return to Cape Ann, including blueberries in selected parts of Dogtown.


  • Add Dogtown to the National Register of Historic Places – the official list of national historic places worthy of preservation. This project requires the compilation of a survey of the old settlement that includes detailed maps, archaeological findings, and other historical documents


  • Mitigate dumping and pollution issues at the composting site at Gronblad’s Pit. One solution involves the construction of a minimal footprint visitor/education center in its place, similar to the Cape Ann Discovery Center at Ravenswood Park in Magnolia. This project could also include the clean up of the fresh water spring along Dogtown Road.


These activities require public support, resources, and approval by the City. To this end we are actively recruiting members through an on-going series of activities and events. Become a member today! 

© 2016 by Friends of Dogtown

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